Digitization of mortgage loan

Getting your home mortgage digitally


This project had already been worked on previously, but for reasons of priority it was left on standby. Due to the pandemic, it was decided to streamline and the project consists of obtaining the mortgage with Interbank digitally, without the need to go to the bank. You fill everything online and wait for approval. However, several bank agents indicated that people found it tedious and did not understand some things.


UI Designer






6 Weeks





Project Goals

Challenge #1

Get people to understand how the "Mi Vivienda" credit process works

Challenge #2

Let people know when they have completed the documentation for each phase.

Challenge #3

Improve the visualization of the view of Insurance and understand the information of each of those that exist and their differences.

The process



  • Scope
  • Users

WEEK 2-3-4

Research & Synthesize

  • Test
  • Consumer Insights

WEEK 5-6


  • High-Fidelity Prototypes


¿What is the problema?

We start from the problem that the request for credits made by digital were not meeting the expectations that the client had proposed. For this reason, it was proposed to carry out a test of the product. However, the Test was divided into 2 parts: Phase 1, which is when you apply for the mortgage, and Phase 2, which is when your mortgage has been approved and you have to start uploading all the documentation.

Define Users

Before carrying out the test, we began to define which people we were going to carry out the test. For them we chose these 3 types of people:

  • People who have applied for their credit my home digitally.
  • People who have started the process of my home loan but then finished it in another bank.
  • People who are interested in obtaining a mortgage loan with Interbank

Research & Synthesize


A total of 10 interviews were conducted. 3 for each and 1 test. For this, the interview guide was carried out beforehand to establish the objective. This testing was made up of a first part that was the ice braker, then the in-depth interviews to define what the profile was. Then the prototype questions and we finish with the closing questions.

Selection of the type of income

At the time of arriving on this screen, many users indicated that they did not know how to define themselves in any of these groups:

  • The types of income are very specific and they do not feel identified with only one.
  • None of the informal people was considered within the “informal” card.

“I think the word informal has a very negative context, personally, if it were informal, I wouldn't select it.”

Old Seguros

Property data

This page turns out to be the one that contains the most information but it is the most important because you are going to place all the information of the property that you are interested in and the financing that you want. However, for the product "Mivivenda" there were many doubts.

  • It is not clear where the bonuses come from or when they are awarded.
  • They do not understand the benefit of obtaining financing with "Mivivienda"

"I understand that it is convenient to request my credit with my home but I do not know how it can benefit me if I request it"


Start disbursement

Once you have completed all the information on the home and accepted the terms and conditions, we access this page where you will have to upload the information you request. However, the completion notice was not entirely clear to users.

  • They had to make an effort to realize which of the different cards were completed
  • They didn't seem like selectable cards, but information cards.

“The card does not encourage me to click on it, it seems that it is only information”

Old Menu

Insurance Selection

One of the sections where they must enter is the insurance section, since depending on the insurance they select, it will depend on whether or not the payment fee increases. But the users when they got to the screen did not understand which dropdown belonged to which one.

  • Users thought they only had to choose insurance
  • They did not know the differences between each insurance although the definition of each one was there

"In this case I would only choose property insurance, the other would not be necessary"

Old Seguros


High-Fidelity Prototypes

Here is the result of how the modified screens turned out. These were made for desktop and mobile.


HIFI Desktop



Bringing it all together

Once we finished collecting data from the tests, we first collected which were going to be the quickwins that only depended on the design team and those that depended more on development, that is why we started with our improvements first and these were the results .

Objective #1

Benefits of "Mivivenda"

After the conclusions of the test, we realized that there must be a differentiation between what the "Mivivienda" credit is and how this affects your income. It was divided into two sections, one in which we explain the characteristics of my home and another in which we explain how this credit is made up.

NEW Hipoteca

Objective #2

Completed documents

Since people had doubts about whether the card was selectable or not, we decided to change them and add a text link so they knew they should click on it. In addition, we intensify the differentiation between one that is complete and the others that lack completeness.


Objective #3

New insurance visualization

This was a difficult page to design since the information that the legal area requested made it more tedious, however, we tried to make it no longer dropdown to select, but rather directly select the card of your preference by separating a insurance of the other so that it could be understood as one more route, not as an election as it was before.
